Red Rose





Be empowered

in your relationships.

It all starts with your relationship with your female body.


HOLY is a transformative membership whose purpose is to empower you to grow your intuitive awareness, heal your relationship with your female body, and support you in having healthy, fulfilling relationships.

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Join HOLY and receive monthly:

  • 2x Group Womb Healings to deeply connect with your female body and transform your emotional, sexual, and relational space
  • Live Community Call on Zoom to learn intuitive exercises to heal yourself, share and be seen in a loving community, and receive mentorship and guidance from me
  • An Online Community and Library of Bonus Classes, Meditations, & More to deepen your own practice and connect with like-minded others

What People Are Saying ::

β€œI could feel something moving during the womb healing time. Most significantly though I had some interesting dreams that carried the energies of some past relationship dynamics up and to the surface.”

~ Sjoukje S.

β€œIt feels so supportive to be held in a container that encourages feminine radiance and wholeness. Every womb healing has been so deeply nourishing, healing, and validating. Being in HOLY has helped me to heal these places of invalidation and unworthiness. It has helped me feel safe to allow myself to see and be with these places that did not get the love and support I needed, so that I can move forward to the life I always wanted.” ~ Kerry K.

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Valued at $222

Only for $111/month.

Cancel anytime.

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Reclaim your femaleness as holy and sacred in a spiritual community of empowered souls healing and growing together. Join here.